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Debt Help Solutions

Learn more about our 6 Credit Solutions:

Debt Help Solutions
Debt Consolidation

Debt Consolidation entails consolidating multiple credit facilities into one payment. The monthly installment becomes more manageable, interest rates are reduced and the terms extended to suit your needs. We can also obtain early settlement discounts on existing loans to reduce the overall debt.

Debt Free in 24 - 60 months

Credit Worthy within 3-6 months

Affordability is a criteria

Do not have to be Credit Worthy

No upfront costs. Costs included

Bond Consolidation

Bond Consolidation is an option that is available to existing home owners who have built up equity in their property and can therefore use this Equity to settle short-term unsecured debt and vehicles. Equity is the difference between the current value of your property and what you still owe on it.

Consolidate Debt into your Bond

Credit Worthy within 12 months

Affordability is a criteria

Do not have to be Credit Worthy

No upfront costs. Costs included

Debt Consolidation
Bond Consolidation
Debt Counseling
Cash Sequestration
Debt Review

Debt Review is a process whereby a Debt Counsellor re-negotiates your existing contractual agreements with Credit Providers. The new negotiated contracts have lower installment and interest rates and can be extended to terms not exceeding 60 months. Vehicles are extended back to 72 months.

Debt Free in 36-60 Months

Credit Worthy once completed

Affordability is not a criteria

Do not have to be Credit Worthy

No upfront costs. Costs included

Cash Sequestration

Cash Sequestration allows you to make a fresh financial start. 80% of Debt is written off and the remaining 20% is paid in cash up front or paid off over a suitable term. Now instead of paying collection agencies installments that go mainly to legal fees, you can start saving for future goals or free up more monthly income.

Debt Free once Order is granted

Credit Worthy in 24-36 Months

Affordability is not a criteria

Do not have to be Credit Worthy

Application Fee

Credit Repair
Voluntary Surrender

It’s good to know your Credit Score and what steps you can take to improve your score. We can help you improve your Credit Score. It may take up to 6 months to see a noticeable difference in your Credit Score - but it will all be worthwhile in the end, especially when you see the financial benefits.

Credit Score improves in 6 months

Access to Credit within 6 Months

Advice to keep improving your Score

Affordability is not a criteria

Application Fee

How does Voluntary Surrender Work

Voluntary Sequestration is a High Court application that legally allows you to walk away from 75% of your debt. The remaining 25% is paid off over 18 months. Assets to the value of the 25% stand as surety for the 18 months until the 25% is settled. These assets are not removed from your possession.

Debt Free once the 25% is settled

Credit Worthy in 48 months

Affordability is not a criteria

Do not have to be Credit Worthy

Application Fee

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Take Control of Your Financial Future

The first step to taking control of your current financial situation is admitting that your finances have gotten to the point where you need Professional Debt Help.


Tackle your debt now by booking a free confidential consultation with Negociate Credit Solutions today.

We are here to support you throughout the process, so you can eliminate debt for good.

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